When one writes on any sort of regular basis, it’s pretty easy to pick up certain habits. When it comes to putting together a novel however, some of those habits can drag your work to a grinding halt. One of the biggest problems with bad habits is that we don’t always realize we have them....
Many writers will tell you that the most difficult part about writing a story is the plot itself: what should you write? I have long believed that absolutely anything can be made into a compelling story. It all comes down to how you look at it: how can you turn a situation in such a...
Every fictional reality needs anchor points; symbols, objects, or landmarks to remind and reinforce to the audience the nature of the reality you are building in your story. This article acts as a follow-up to my previous worldbuilding post “The Five Levels of Reality”. If you haven’t already had a chance, you can read that...
Recently, I had a chance to see Christopher Nolan’s latest epic “Dunkirk”. As I was watching the film, it occurred to me that there was much to be learned concerning writing about historical events. Now before I go any further, I think I must point out that I will be mentioning key aspects of the...
So you’ve FINALLY completed that novel you’ve been working on. After months, maybe years, of slaving over scenes, subplots, and character development, you have finally perfected your baby. There’s just one problem. You’ve missed something. Now you may be thinking that after all of the time you’ve put in, all the reading and rereading, writing...
Sometimes you have to begin at the end. Although most writing prompts are opening lines, there is a unique challenge to be found in composing backwards from a closing line. With that in mind, here are 21 totally original final story lines to pique your sense of creativity. Best of luck and let me know...
Worldbuilding: the concept of creating the universe in which your fictional characters live. For the avid writer, world building is an exhilarating process, filled with endless possibilities. Beginning worldbuilding is like being given a blank canvas; it is up to you the individual to create the masterpiece. The concept of worldbuilding is not one that...
There are many ways in which a writer can establish his/her environment to help aid in the writing process, but there is one catalyst that stands out above the rest: music. While some would argue that absolute silence is necessary for focused writing, music provides distinct mental advantages that are impossible to come by elsewhere....
Many have speculated that Disney’s latest craze of converting popular animated classics into live action adaptations is a thinly veiled cash grab. The main reason for this belief is…it’s basically true. Nonetheless, I am a firm believer in the idea of gleaning writing tips from all manner of genres. Disney’s conversion of a popular animated...
Writer’s Block: This odious scourge has afflicted every writer since books were written. The agony of sitting in front of a blank page or empty computer screen is unparalleled. Fortunately, there is help. Here are my top 11 tips for beating back writer’s block: Put the Pen Down: To many writer’s, this almost feels like...