Allowing yourself to enjoy the process of creating is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. I am the first to admit that this concept is sometimes difficult to follow. When I have my eye on the result and it’s not being achieved as fast as I want, I get frustrated. In times...
‘Flash Fiction’, (sometimes referred to as a short-short story), doesn’t have a set definition, but is generally considered to be a piece of fiction consisting of a thousand words or less. Certain publications of this medium are even more conservative with the word count, hugging closer to the five-hundred word mark. The word count may...
Hear me out on this. With the NFL in full swing, I, along with millions of others around the world, have plunged into the uncertain waters of fantasy football. For those not familiar with this “sport”, fantasy football is a competition in which participants draft “teams” from among the players in the NFL and...
There are two things you should know before you read this analysis. First off, this is a review of the novel Ready: Player One, not the film. As of yet, I have not seen the movie. Second of all, I am breaking this review into two separate parts. As a Christian fiction writer, I...
Voltampsreactive is happy to welcome Audrey Bodine as today’s guest writer. Audrey is an aspiring writer who’s work can be found on her own blog, Five Steps to Improve Your Writing Reading Whether it’s a pamphlet for self-tying shoes or the latest biography on the market, reading is an invaluable resource for writers....
What do you do when you get writer’s block? What they say: I take a step back, evaluate where I am, and allow myself to see the big picture. What they think: Stare at the ceiling. Watch Netflix. Cry. Is this character based on me? What they say: Haha. Was it that obvious? What they...
Sometimes to figure out how to write correctly, you must see what it’s like to write incorrectly. When it comes to learning what not to do, there is no better example than your run-of-the-mill cheesy movie. When you hear the word ‘cheesy’ in reference to a film, there are certain concepts...
There are many ways in which a writer can establish his/her environment to help aid in the writing process, but there is one catalyst that stands out above the rest: music. While some would argue that absolute silence is necessary for focused writing, music provides distinct mental advantages that are impossible to come by elsewhere....