‘Flash Fiction’, (sometimes referred to as a short-short story), doesn’t have a set definition, but is generally considered to be a piece of fiction consisting of a thousand words or less. Certain publications of this medium are even more conservative with the word count, hugging closer to the five-hundred word mark. The word count may...
Voltampsreactive is happy to welcome Audrey Bodine as today’s guest writer. Audrey is an aspiring writer who’s work can be found on her own blog, audreybodineauthor.wordpress.com. Five Steps to Improve Your Writing Reading Whether it’s a pamphlet for self-tying shoes or the latest biography on the market, reading is an invaluable resource for writers....
What do you do when you get writer’s block? What they say: I take a step back, evaluate where I am, and allow myself to see the big picture. What they think: Stare at the ceiling. Watch Netflix. Cry. Is this character based on me? What they say: Haha. Was it that obvious? What they...
Creating the proper tension for a scene is one of the most difficult challenges a writer can face. Providing all of the proper elements that culminate in a nerve tightening sequence of suppressed anticipation takes skill, precision, and proper planning. When it comes to kids’ movies, these challenges increase tenfold. While adults may be willing...
There is no TV show that quite makes use of fast moving, high level, intellectual bantering as “Frasier”. Perhaps one of the most successful spinoffs of all time, “Frasier” took a beloved character from an equally beloved tv show and built a small and lively world around him. If there is one area where “Frasier”...