Fiction Writers: What They Say Vs. What They Think

Fiction Writers: What They Say Vs. What They Think

What do you do when you get writer’s block?

What they say: I take a step back, evaluate where I am, and allow myself to see the big picture.

What they think: Stare at the ceiling. Watch Netflix. Cry.

Is this character based on me?

What they say: Haha. Was it that obvious?

What they think: No.

How do you come up with ideas?

What they say: I take some time to reflect on stories and themes that move me in an artistic way.

What they think: I wake up in the middle of the night, write something down, then try to read my own handwriting in the morning.

This part didn’t make sense to me.

What they say: Hmm. I’ll have to look into revising that.

What they think: Are you kidding me? What do you want, a roadmap? Are you… you know what, never mind.

I think I would have had the character do this.

What they say: Interesting idea.

What they think: You mean completely destroy their character arc? I don’t know why I didn’t think of that myself.

I think you borrowed that idea from this other book.

What they say: I suppose there are some similarities, but my novel takes a different approach…

What they think: I challenge you to a duel, knave.

How do you find the time to write?

What they say: I like to carve out a little time at the end of every day to unwind and work on a few writing projects.

What they think: You know that whole sleep thing? I don’t do that.

I’m thinking of becoming a writer.

What they say: Good for you!

What they think: Fool! Do you know what you’re doing?! Save yourself before it’s too late!!

Is it hard to cut scenes you’ve put a lot of time into?

What they say: At times, yes, but it’s all a natural part of the editing process.

What they think: It’s like drowning kittens in the bathtub.

What about cutting characters?

What they say: Sometimes it’s necessary to remove extraneous characters for the good of the story.

What they think: Same as cutting scenes, except with puppies.

Who is your favorite author?

What they say: Ooh, tough question! I don’t know if I could pick a favorite…

What they think: Who do I plagiarize the most? Probably Dickens.

What would you liken the writing process to?

What they say: Patiently panning a river, gleaning little bits of gold over the course of time.

What they think: Trying to break through a brick wall with your face while simultaneously filling out tax forms.

Why do you write?

What they say: I find it to be a unique and gratifying way to express my thoughts and emotions.

What they think: Because, at the end of the day, I love it.

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5 thoughts on “Fiction Writers: What They Say Vs. What They Think

  1. “What’s your book about?”
    What I say: *stares at them blankly for approximately two minutes, saying nothing*
    What I think; How do I describe this in a way that makes it seem like there’s an interesting and unique plot when it’s basically a Hallmark movie with my humor and more faith content?
    Oh, I guess I could just say that.
    Right, then.

    1. Haha! So true! How is it that we are able to plot out every detail of an elaborate storyline effortlessly, yet when someone asks what the book is about we respond with, “Uh…I guess about this guy who, you know, does stuff.”

      1. Audrey

        Exactly. Then you feel bad because you think, “I really do know what I’m doing and I swear it’s a good book, I just can’t explain that to you in words. Ironic, I know.”

  2. I don’t pretend at all that my protagonists aren’t based on me.

    In fact, I make most of them super-intelligent so that it will be completely obvious.

    1. Haha! Awesome. Completely valid.

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